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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4 pasos para mejorar la búsqueda del motor estrategia de marketing para su

4 steps to improve search engine marketing strategy for your

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Search engine marketing can be complex and frightening. Endless possibilities to advertise and market, constantly changing trends and technologies, and are all very complex solutions with the area. So, what should you when you evaluate or create your own search engine marketing strategy annotations in detail about how different techniques work. Instead seek advisers who can help you with simple interpretations and techniques based on real results.


Search engine marketing, Internet marketing strategy

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Search engine marketing can be complex and frightening. Endless possibilities to advertise and market, constantly changing trends and technologies, and are all very complex solutions with the area. So, what should you when you evaluate or create your own search engine marketing strategy annotations in detail about how different techniques work. Instead seek advisers who can help you with simple interpretations and techniques based on real results. This is exactly what the next article is about. From a simple list of four things employers can use to create or evaluate your search engine marketing strategy.

1-create your Internet marketing strategy objectives " many consultants will tell them to lay down goals around what you want to achieve with your site. Forget it. These disturbances from the real question you should ask yourself, "what is the purpose of my website?"

Just answer this question, can be exploited by all other aspects of search engine marketing strategy to achieve this purpose. In General, people use their website for many different purposes. No matter what, you must still answer this question. It will help you focus on will have a more effective strategy.

Here are the top three most common answers to the question "what is the purpose of my website?"

1. sell stuff 2. Generate leads for your sales teams. Educate my target audience can be so simple! Only three above answers decide what best suits (or create your own) and then go to step 2.

2-a "search engine marketing plan" there a reason why search search engine marketing so hot. And it works. It is born and sale and other tracks at less than cost per lead or cost per sale than traditional media such as TV or direct mail advertising. It makes sense when you think about it: when people want to find something online, they go to Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. and search for it.

Search engine marketing is all about the "show" when people look for what you sell, or offer or on your site. There is a growing body of knowledge (books, articles, etc.) on how to do this. And, like everything else, has become more complex analysis. To further complicate matters, some ethical search engine marketing techniques and legitimacy, while some are not. Is the best way to create search engine marketing plan focuses on two aspects: 1. search engine optimization-appears in the "free" search engine results. Pay-per-click advertising is displayed in the "paid" search engine results to search engine optimization, which is the first "silver." There is not only a way to easily get ranked high in search engines. A combination of factors falling always on a fundamental fact: build your Web site in accordance with Web standards, with a focus on accessibility for all.

Like search search engine optimization, and there is no "silver bullet" for pay-per-click ads, either. Instead of the formula for successful PPC bid in good standing (what would you pay to advertise your Show) with landing pages with meaning (where people go when they click your ad).

3-search engine optimization (SEO) end search engine optimization to make changes to your site to get higher positions in search engines. However, search search engine optimization confusing sector. On the one hand, there is "snake oil salesmen" ready to get # 1 rankings with this trick. In the meantime, things are really very simple and honest, just not very sexy. "

The best strategy to take common sense SEO: standardize your site must comply with all of the pages. If you do, and enforced, you can then branch into some other "special" aspects of SEO.

Here is a sample list SEO standards for your website: 1. write meta HTML page headings that describe the page really (255 characters or less) 2. Write a short sentence that describes the page really (255 characters or less) 3. Write page content and focusing on the 4. Write descriptive ALT text for all images picture illustrates and describes the concept of never use images for text 5. Created and Note all sides to comply with current Web standards, "the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) only when your Web pages comply with the criteria set out above you need to start more advanced SEO techniques, including keywords, link 301 redirects, (get more links to your site), RSS news, blogs, SEO and metrics and tracking.

4-leverage pay-per-click advertising " pay-per-click advertising helps you get more traffic from search engines through ads in Search engine results. You can choose the terms people search for. You can bid on your ad are you willing to pay. Advertising that appears when someone searches the term, and if you are lucky, click on your ad and come to your site.

Therefore, pay-per-click advertising really boil for 3 elements: 1. select keywords to advertise on (any targeted keywords) 2. Choose what to offer targeting 3 keywords. Write copy for advertisements that appear when people are looking for keyword selection is all about knowing what your requirements and customers and other customers would use when searching for your product or your service. There are many tools to generate ideas. Also targeted check out the best ways to see how many searches per calendar month will receive keyword. Usually you want to search for keywords that generate a lot of inspections per month, but focused enough for your work. For example, a company selling very high performance outdoor Sandals perhaps best bid on "Sandals" vs. "Sandals" could include searches for all-inclusive resort, sandals.

Select the host for your keywords can be of high scientific process, sometimes with complex applications and manages many important metrics. Simple, let a tool which recommends "google adwords ne" you what takeover bids first. Start there, and start small. Your best bet on low daily budget ceiling must be familiar with impressions your ads receive, traffic from the ads on your site, and what these people once they get your Web site.

Write a declaration will address people press, create compelling copy down this title/link that gets people to click.

Best addresses generated by after the magazine covers: focus on get attention through eye-catching statements, and short. The use of words such as better (i.e.. "best tips for summer BBQ") and final ("final national park vacations") based on the number of lists (i.e.. "top 5 hybrid cars 2006") all that has been proven to work.

Writing effective ad copy heading link really on the strengthening of the search term. This means keywords in your ad, and start an operation version.

The above approach, you can create or evaluate your search engine marketing strategy and focus on what matters most when you implement your plans and more efficiently to achieve your goals.

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